Flax Seeds Chutney Powder by Gowri Chebbi
Dive into the rich texture and robust flavors of Flax Seeds Chutney Powder. This aromatic blend of roasted flax seeds, fiery red chilies, and pungent garlic is a culinary delight. You can even customize it by skipping the garlic for a milder version.
- 2 cups flax seeds, dry roasted
- 1 cup garlic cloves (optional)
- 18 to 20 red chilies, dry roasted
- Salt, to taste
1. In a skillet, dry roast the flax seeds and red chilies until they turn a light shade.
2. Combine the roasted ingredients with garlic cloves (if using) in a grinder.
3. Grind the mixture into a coarse powder, seasoning with salt to your preference.
4. Store in an airtight container and savor its rich taste by sprinkling over dishes or using as a dip. Enjoy your meal!